Why We Sleep – Time To Rethink Sleep At Workplace

I just finished reading absolutely amazing book “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker and I highly recommend it for everyone. Hopefully, this book may finally change perception of sleep in organizations. I remember about 15 years ago in Moscow, while Russia was one of the faster growing emerging markets, there was this popular phrase –… Continue reading Why We Sleep – Time To Rethink Sleep At Workplace

Blogs I read

This post is mostly for my self to accumulate blogs that I usually read: Martin Kleppmann – https://martin.kleppmann.com/ (also highly recommend his talks regarding transactions and kafka) + book http://dataintensive.net/ and free ebook https://www.oreilly.com/data/free/stream-processing.csp Jessie Frazelle – https://blog.jessfraz.com/ Yehuda Katz – https://yehudakatz.com/ Luke Kanies – https://lukekanies.com/ (To be continued)

This elusive sense of reality

Just watched Netflix’s Fyre documentary – and it’s absolutely amazing. This is about large scale scam on Fyre music festival, where people were buying tickets for many thousand dollars to live in Bahamas beach villas, and instead were put in unfinished tents with no electricity or running water. Even worse, poor locals working for the… Continue reading This elusive sense of reality

SemVer in production – always keep separate production branch on its own minor

While I personally prefer CalVer, SemVer is still actively used for many projects and quite frequently I work on it. If SemVer is used for something that is deployed to production, one rule I’ve made is to always keep each distinct production on its own minor version. If we have only one production environment or… Continue reading SemVer in production – always keep separate production branch on its own minor

Collection of Fun Business Laws

In this page I just want to write down bunch of fun business laws and observations with links so not to forget for myself mainly. Page is wip so I may add stuff later 😉 Note, those laws are in no particular order.

Cool DevOps articles and reads

This is “a post in progress”, so will be updated as I find more cool stuff. For now, only one article and I find it really great – https://blog.gruntwork.io/5-lessons-learned-from-writing-over-300-000-lines-of-infrastructure-code-36ba7fadeac1 + discussion on hacker news – https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18537102