Reliza Elevator Pitch

Nowadays, every organization is an IT company. Major banks may have more developers than Microsoft or Google. Strong IT business back-bone was the reality of yesterday, while digital transformation is the reality of today. Operating an IT company means continuous software development and maintenance. The more complex the software becomes the harder it is to… Continue reading Reliza Elevator Pitch

Reliza Versioning is now available on GitHub and Maven Central

Reliza Versioning is now available on GitHub here under MIT License. It also can be found as Java dependency on Maven Central here. It is a small tool and library that allows to auto-increment versions (mainly for the scripts) using either CalVer or SemVer or custom version pattern. Soon, we’re hoping to release a Jenkins… Continue reading Reliza Versioning is now available on GitHub and Maven Central

Resources for promoting to Maven Central

Reminder for myself: this is a very good write up how to promote – Official guide – Requirements (very important) – Notes for the DZone article – no need to keep gpg password in plaintext, it will prompt. However, for sonatype password it doesn’t prompt so for now my solution is to add and then… Continue reading Resources for promoting to Maven Central

Some trouble with JUnit 5 and solution

Yesterday had a pretty weird issue with Junit 5 which didn’t compile. Spent half a day trying to tweak pom file, specify specific directory and making sure I have proper scope and such. Funniest thing tests were working from eclipse, but from CLI both tests and package compilation fails. Turns out Eclipse was using incorrect… Continue reading Some trouble with JUnit 5 and solution

MMORPG Holy Trinity and Startup Management

Just a thought from my gaming past and my startup and management work: how the MMO Holy Trinity has real-life management and startup application. Since I’m working on a DevOps and software startup, that’s what I’m going to reference explaining this thought. Let’s start with an assumption, that every successful business group needs every trinity… Continue reading MMORPG Holy Trinity and Startup Management

Movies and Series a Manager Should Watch

Below is a list of movies and series that create in my opinion top list for any manager to watch. As always, I may update this list from time to time: Moneyball – Silicon Valley – Office Space – Inception – The Matrix – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest –

“Jobs to Be Done”

Really enjoyed this HBR piece – Great insight into one of major limitations of our machine learning / pattern matching age. Quantitative analysis of data does not replace qualitative. And it is frequently non-obvious how to merge the two together — which often results in resorting to simple solutions (or “we have always done it… Continue reading “Jobs to Be Done”

DevOps KPIs: Distance between latest and oldest production versions

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the subject of KPIs that should be used in DevOps. Among them, maybe the most important is the number of different versions the team has to maintain at a time. This particular indicator frequently comes to the top of my list. To me, this indicator mainly resembles Army… Continue reading DevOps KPIs: Distance between latest and oldest production versions