Just published Reliza Hub Tutorial 2021 edition – would love to hear your feedback on our community discord.
Auto-Integrate on Reliza Hub
We have just rolled in Auto-Integrate feature to Reliza Hub and I’m going to describe here how this works. As you know, our tutorials previously assumed the use of an Integration instance for bundling services in Reliza Hub. So for every case we had to allocate an actual instance responsible for integration. Not any more!… Continue reading Auto-Integrate on Reliza Hub
Why DevOps Discord Community?
DevOps, SRE, Platform Egnineering and DataOps are among the hottest trends of modern IT field. Many people want to get in, many professionals are already there and looking for ways to self-develop, ask questions, validate ideas. DevOps Communities Yes, I am talking about communities. The evolution of DevOps communities started with a well-known DevOpsDays movement.… Continue reading Why DevOps Discord Community?
On DevOps Thinking – 3 Soft Skills For DevOps Interviews
These are 3 soft skills that appear most important to me in DevOps interviews. The list is based on my 8 years working in DevOps and 10 years in recruitment and management consulting before that. It is mostly applicable for Senior DevOps positions. 1. Groking Things I was reading about groking many times when I… Continue reading On DevOps Thinking – 3 Soft Skills For DevOps Interviews
Strict Parser Mode on Reliza CLI
To improve security on GitOps workflows, we have recently added Strict parser mode on Reliza CLI. Here is how this works. Reliza CLI contains “parsetemplate” command which can resolve image tags from configuration yaml files into their versions with digests approved in Reliza Hub for specific environment. We now added “–parsemode” flag which controls 3… Continue reading Strict Parser Mode on Reliza CLI
Automated Changelogs are Now Part of Reliza Hub
Happy to announce that Reliza Hub would now automatically prepare changelogs between software releases. Here is how this works: Connect CI tool to Reliza Hub according to documentation Adopt conventional commits (it would somewhat work even without conventional commits, but this won’t be nice) Every release in Reliza Hub now has compare tab, where you… Continue reading Automated Changelogs are Now Part of Reliza Hub
Some Security Risks of Using Push-Based CD
Surprisingly I’m recently not finding a strong majority of voices saying that Push-Based Continuous Delivery should never be used due to security concerns. So I feel there is a need to clarify risks more explicitly. First of all here is what I mean by Push-Based CD. Simply, this is the approach, where SSH-key or some… Continue reading Some Security Risks of Using Push-Based CD
CKAD Certified!
Passed my CKAD exam, and now I’m both CKA and CKAD certified. Planning to complete CKS later this year.
Demo of Replace Tags on Reliza Hub
Just published my latest demo of Replace Tags functionality on Reliza Hub. This is something that we use in our GitOps workflow.
Reliza GitOps Tutorial Now Uses Kustomize
Updated Reliza tutorial describing deployment on Kubernetes using GitOps approach with ArgoCD. It now uses Kustomize alongside Reliza CLI to overlay Kubernetes yaml definitions into their desired and approved state per each environment. Read full tutorial here: https://itnext.io/building-kubernetes-cicd-pipeline-with-github-actions-argocd-and-reliza-hub-e7120b9be870