Reliza CD Tutorial: Deploying on Kubernetes

This tutorial describes Reliza CD – agent that connects Kubernetes clusters to Reliza Hub and allows to deploy software from the hub. This post continues my previous tutorial on Reliza Hub Ephemerals – but here I describe how to configure Persistent instances rather than ephemerals. Much of the same setup as in the Ephemeral tutorial… Continue reading Reliza CD Tutorial: Deploying on Kubernetes

Monorepos: How we do it with Reliza Hub

Monorepo is a software structure which assumes multiple projects in the same repository. What is good about monorepos? Developers work with only one repository and don’t have to remember or care about multiple repositories for the product. Essentially, everything is in one place – that’s the primary goal. It is also assumed that monorepo is… Continue reading Monorepos: How we do it with Reliza Hub

Some Security Risks of Using Push-Based CD

Surprisingly I’m recently not finding a strong majority of voices saying that Push-Based Continuous Delivery should never be used due to security concerns. So I feel there is a need to clarify risks more explicitly. First of all here is what I mean by Push-Based CD. Simply, this is the approach, where SSH-key or some… Continue reading Some Security Risks of Using Push-Based CD

Helm CD with Reliza Hub: Complete Hands-On Tutorial

UPDATE (2023-05-02): This tutorial, while still works, is now outdated. The recommended way is to deploy software via Reliza CD – see my new tutorial on that here. In this tutorial I’m going to show how to build Continuous Delivery system with Helm and Reliza Hub. We are going to build CI/CD on top of… Continue reading Helm CD with Reliza Hub: Complete Hands-On Tutorial

Publish Gradle Project to Maven Central via CI

We’ve recently completed automated push of Reliza Java Client (SDK) to Maven Central. It’s a Gradle project, so just want to note few things that took more time during this setup. First, we’re using newer maven-publish plugin. Then note publishing and signing sections in our build.gradle. Next, our actual build job is here. Note, that… Continue reading Publish Gradle Project to Maven Central via CI

Using Google App Engine and GitHub Actions for Static Websites

There are 2 most popular platforms today to host static websites: Netlify and Google App Engine (GAE). Netlify gained a lot of popularity recently because it provides integrated experience with building and deployment static websites – all in the same platform. GAE is more flexible in terms that it supports non-static web-sites as well but… Continue reading Using Google App Engine and GitHub Actions for Static Websites

On-demand builds on GitHub Actions with Reliza

10 days ago I published an article how we integrate Reliza Hub with GitHub Actions and ArgoCD for continuous delivery to Kubernetes. Today I am going to improve the approach described there with a new feature we just added to Reliza Hub. The feature is on-demand builds for GitHub Actions that would run on new… Continue reading On-demand builds on GitHub Actions with Reliza

Approvals for any CI CD in Reliza Hub – Demo Video

As we are working with Reliza Hub to make it useful to both Technical and Business teams, we have just launched a new feature: approvals for any CI/CD DevOps or DevSecOps pipeline out there. Here is a demo video that I recorded. Would very much appreciate any feedback on YouTube: