Java Keystore is a nice tool, but it has a very limited number of inputs it supports natively. Mainly those are pem certificates and corresponding keys. Fortunately, there is a way to store arbitrary data using keytool’s -importpass command and base64 encoding. Here is how to achieve that. Let’s imagine we have some secret.bin file,… Continue reading Storing Arbitrary Values in Java Keystore
You Can Now Book 30-min Reliza Hub Demo With Me
Use this link to book no-strings-attached 30-minute Reliza Hub demo with me. I’ll use the first 15 minutes to give you brief overview of the platform and its capabilities. Feel free to use the remaining time to discuss DevOps or Software Productivity issues in your organization or ask any questions you may have. It will… Continue reading You Can Now Book 30-min Reliza Hub Demo With Me
Wrote a Medium article how we are using Reliza Hub with GitHub Actions and ArgoCD
This is about using Reliza Hub for Kubernetes CICD pipeline. Key problem we are trying to help with is managing different versions and permutations of versions of microservices. The article can be found here:
Videos From Some Of My Travels
My wife has opened access to some of videos from our travels for the past years. Pretty relaxing to watch during these difficult times.
Take The Fear Out Of Git Push
Remember “The Lean Startup” where they asked engineers to push a change to production on their first day of work? Then the quote to justify it was: “If our production process is so fragile that you can break it on your very first day of work, shame on us for making it so easy to… Continue reading Take The Fear Out Of Git Push
What changed across my instances on April 15?
From DevOps to GoalOps
By now you are probably tired of all the different ways how we may call Software Operations. ITIL, Agile, DevOps, DevSecOps – and then quite a few more recent ones like NoOps, AllOps, AIOps, MLOps, GitOps, DataOps… I know I missed a few. So why on earth we need “GoalOps”? Surprisingly, modern software development deviated… Continue reading From DevOps to GoalOps
Approvals for any CI CD in Reliza Hub – Demo Video
As we are working with Reliza Hub to make it useful to both Technical and Business teams, we have just launched a new feature: approvals for any CI/CD DevOps or DevSecOps pipeline out there. Here is a demo video that I recorded. Would very much appreciate any feedback on YouTube:
3 Problems With GitOps
Even though this article is about issues experienced with GitOps, I must start by saying that GitOps is certainly a big improvement relative to CIOps. If you’re not very familiar with GitOps, a lot of key details can be found in this post by Dmitri Lerko. Let’s now jump strait into issues: 1. Default GitOps… Continue reading 3 Problems With GitOps
Lego World – No One DevOps Solution Fits All
I was entertaining the idea of Lego-style DevOps software for quite a while now. I wanted to write about this pretty much after success of my previous post about microservices, but then the whole situation with the virus started to unfold – which led me to a bit of paralysis. Today I’m trying to break… Continue reading Lego World – No One DevOps Solution Fits All