Hiring Lead Developers – Seeing The Project End State

I was recently reflecting on hiring and team management decisions. Particularly, how can you tell that a developer would make a good lead? My current thinking on this is following. The most important differentiator of whether a developer is a good lead is the ability to see the project end state. While junior and intermediate… Continue reading Hiring Lead Developers – Seeing The Project End State

List All Docker Containers with IP Addresses

Solution for one container can be found in this stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17157721/how-to-get-a-docker-containers-ip-address-from-the-host Solution for all containers is below:

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New Documentation Site for Reliza Hub

We have launched a new Documentation site for Reliza Hub – https://docs.relizahub.com. While this is very much work in progress, I would appreciate any feedback or comments via pm on twitter @taleodor.

Using Google App Engine and GitHub Actions for Static Websites

There are 2 most popular platforms today to host static websites: Netlify and Google App Engine (GAE). Netlify gained a lot of popularity recently because it provides integrated experience with building and deployment static websites – all in the same platform. GAE is more flexible in terms that it supports non-static web-sites as well but… Continue reading Using Google App Engine and GitHub Actions for Static Websites

On-demand builds on GitHub Actions with Reliza

10 days ago I published an article how we integrate Reliza Hub with GitHub Actions and ArgoCD for continuous delivery to Kubernetes. Today I am going to improve the approach described there with a new feature we just added to Reliza Hub. The feature is on-demand builds for GitHub Actions that would run on new… Continue reading On-demand builds on GitHub Actions with Reliza